Assalamualaikum wr wb
Saudara dan Sahabatku..
Disenja usia ini, hampir tiap hari ada berita tentang kematian, entah
itu tetangga, teman, temannya teman, sanak saudara dan lainnya. Tiba-tiba terlintas difikiran, apakah kita
semua (terutama yang laki-laki) sudah faham tentang pengurusan jenazah?
Teringat pengalaman suatu hari saat melayat dan akan menshalatkan jenazah,
tidak ada yang maju untuk menjadi Imam Shalat, termasuk Imam Masjid dan
Pengurus Masjid lainnya, kenapa?
Jawabannya ternyata bahwa sudah ditentukan secara Syar’I mengenai yang
berhak menjadi Imam Shalat Jenazah dengan urutan sebagai berikut :
Ayah jenazah.
Kakek, ayah dari
ayahnya jenazah.
Anak laki-laki
Cucu laki-laki
dari anak laki-laki jenazah.
Saudara kandung
laki-laki jenazah.
Saudara laki-laki
yang seayah dengan jenazah.
berjenis kelamin laki-laki dari saudara laki-laki sekandung jenazah.
Paman saudara
yang sekandung dari ayah jenazah.
Paman saudara
yang seayah dengan jenazah.
berjenis kelamin laki-laki yang masih saudara dan sekandung dengan jenazah.
Sepupu atau anak
dari paman yang masih saudara kandung dengan jenazah.
Sepupu yang
merupakan anak dari paman yang seayah dengan jenazah.
Tuan yang pernah
memberikan kemerdekaan bagi si jenazah.
Sultan maupun
Kerabat berjenis
kelamin laki-laki dan bukan menjadi ahli waris. Yang seperti ini didahulukan
yang hubungan kekerabatannya lebih dekat dengan jenazah misalnya kakak ayah
dari jenazah. Setelah itu cucu laki-laki dari anak perempuan jenazah.
Suami jenazah.
Selain saudara
dan kerabat jenazah
Oleh karena itu, bilamana ingin orang lain
yang menjadi Imam Shalat Jenazah, maka mereka yang berada pada urutan
tersebutlah yang harus meminta kepada yang bersangkutan. Tanpa diminta, maka
siapapun yang tidak termasuk dalam urutan tersebut akan merasa tidak berhak.
Selanjutnya bagaimanakah urutan shalat jenazah
itu? (saya yakin semua sudah tahu, ini hanya mengingatkan), hendaknya jenazah
sudah dimandikan dan dikafani, boleh saja belum dikafani tapi hukumnya Makruh.
sebaiknya 3 saf dan tetap ganjil kalau lebih dari 3 saf
Niat “Ushalli
alaa hadzal mayyiti (hadzihil mayyitati/perempuan)
arba’a takbiratin fardhol kifaayati Imaaman (makmuman) lillahi ta’aala”
Takbir Pertama,
membaca Al Fatihah
Takbir Kedua,
membaca Shalawat Ibrahimiyyah atau Tasyahud Akhir
Takbir Ketiga,
membaca “Allahumaghfirlahu(ha) warhamhu(ha) wa’afihi wa’fuanhu(ha)
Takbir Keempat,
membaca “Allahuma laa tahrimna ajrahu(ha) wala taftinna ba’dahu(ha) waghfirlana
Setelah salam adalah Do’a yang boleh saja
dimintakan pada orang lain untuk memimpinnya.
Demikian semoga bermanfaat, terutama bagi
saudara dan sahabatku yang laki-laki, karena kita tak pernah tahu dan bila
ternyata tak ada satupun dari 16 orang diatas yang dapat menshalatkanku, maka
sungguh suatu kehormatan dan kebahagian bila saudara dan sahabatlah yang meng
Imami jenazahku.
Allahu’alam bissawab
Barakallahu li walakum
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
Brother and my friend ..
At this age, almost every day there is news about death, whether it's neighbors, friends, friend of friends, relatives and others. Suddenly it crossed my mind, do we all (especially men) understand about the management of bodies? Remembering the experience of a day when mourning and praying for the corpse, there is no one going forward to become the Imam of the Prayer, including the Imam of the Mosque and the Management of the other Mosques, why?
The answer turns out that Syar'i has been determined regarding the right to become Imam of the Prayer in the following order:
1. The dead father.
2. Grandfather, father of his father's body.
3. The dead son.
4. The grandson of the dead son.
5. The siblings are dead bodies.
6. Brothers who are of the same body.
7. The male nephew of a brother with a corpse.
8. Your uncle who is a sibling from the corpse's father.
9. Uncle brother who lives with the body.
10. The male nephew who is still a relative and is a sibling with a body.
11. Cousins or children of uncles who are still siblings with bodies.
12. Cousins who are children of uncles who are close to the body.
13. Sir who once gave independence to the corpse.
14. Sultan and president.
15. Male relatives and not heirs. This kind of thing takes precedence with the kinship closer to the body, for example the father's brother from the corpse. After that the grandson of the corpse.
16. Husband's body.
17. Non relatives of the corpse.
Therefore, if you want someone else to be the Imam of the Prayer, then those who are in that order must ask the person concerned. Without being asked, anyone who is not included in the order will feel unqualified.
Next, how is the order of prayer? (I'm sure everyone already knows, this is just a reminder), the body should have been bathed and dikafani, may not have been dikafani but the law is Makruh.
1. Ablution
2. Jama'ah, preferably 3 saf and still odd if more than 3 saf
3. Intention of "Ushalli alaa hadzal mayyiti (hadzihil mayyitati / female) arba'a takbiratin fardhol kifaayati Imaaman (makmuman) lillahi ta’aala"
4. Takbir First, read Al Fatihah
5. Second Takbir, reciting Shalawat Ibrahimiyyah or Final Tasyahud
6. Third Takbir, read "Allahumaghfirlahu (ha) warhamhu (ha) wa’afihi wa’fuanhu (ha)
7. Fourth Takbir, read "Allahuma laa tahrimna ajrahu (ha) wala taftinna ba’dahu (ha) waghfirlana wallahu (ha)
8. Greetings
After greeting is Do'a which may be asked of others to lead it.
So hopefully it will be useful, especially for brothers and my best friends, because we never know and if it turns out that none of the 16 people above can deliver me, then it is truly an honor and happiness if you and your friends are to be Imam of prayer my body.
Allahu'alam bissawab
Barakallahu li walakum
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
Brother and my friend ..
At this age, almost every day there is news about death, whether it's neighbors, friends, friend of friends, relatives and others. Suddenly it crossed my mind, do we all (especially men) understand about the management of bodies? Remembering the experience of a day when mourning and praying for the corpse, there is no one going forward to become the Imam of the Prayer, including the Imam of the Mosque and the Management of the other Mosques, why?
The answer turns out that Syar'i has been determined regarding the right to become Imam of the Prayer in the following order:
1. The dead father.
2. Grandfather, father of his father's body.
3. The dead son.
4. The grandson of the dead son.
5. The siblings are dead bodies.
6. Brothers who are of the same body.
7. The male nephew of a brother with a corpse.
8. Your uncle who is a sibling from the corpse's father.
9. Uncle brother who lives with the body.
10. The male nephew who is still a relative and is a sibling with a body.
11. Cousins or children of uncles who are still siblings with bodies.
12. Cousins who are children of uncles who are close to the body.
13. Sir who once gave independence to the corpse.
14. Sultan and president.
15. Male relatives and not heirs. This kind of thing takes precedence with the kinship closer to the body, for example the father's brother from the corpse. After that the grandson of the corpse.
16. Husband's body.
17. Non relatives of the corpse.
Therefore, if you want someone else to be the Imam of the Prayer, then those who are in that order must ask the person concerned. Without being asked, anyone who is not included in the order will feel unqualified.
Next, how is the order of prayer? (I'm sure everyone already knows, this is just a reminder), the body should have been bathed and dikafani, may not have been dikafani but the law is Makruh.
1. Ablution
2. Jama'ah, preferably 3 saf and still odd if more than 3 saf
3. Intention of "Ushalli alaa hadzal mayyiti (hadzihil mayyitati / female) arba'a takbiratin fardhol kifaayati Imaaman (makmuman) lillahi ta’aala"
4. Takbir First, read Al Fatihah
5. Second Takbir, reciting Shalawat Ibrahimiyyah or Final Tasyahud
6. Third Takbir, read "Allahumaghfirlahu (ha) warhamhu (ha) wa’afihi wa’fuanhu (ha)
7. Fourth Takbir, read "Allahuma laa tahrimna ajrahu (ha) wala taftinna ba’dahu (ha) waghfirlana wallahu (ha)
8. Greetings
After greeting is Do'a which may be asked of others to lead it.
So hopefully it will be useful, especially for brothers and my best friends, because we never know and if it turns out that none of the 16 people above can deliver me, then it is truly an honor and happiness if you and your friends are to be Imam of prayer my body.
Allahu'alam bissawab
Barakallahu li walakum
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