Assalamualaikum wr wb…
Anakku.. Aby ingin berpesan padamu tentang
Apakah Adab itu..???
Adab adalah ekspresi sikap atau tindakan manusia,
baik itu lisan, tulisan maupun gerakan yang berhubungan dengan manusia lainnya,
baik berupa antisipasi maupun respon yang kita yakini dibenarkan oleh syariat
Islam, didasari oleh hadist atau ajaran para masyaikh dan yang pasti disukai
oleh Allah swt.
Apakah ciri adab itu..??
1. Yang pertama adalah merendahkan
diri, ini adalah dasar dari adab agar kita terhindar dari gerakan-gerakan hati
yang mengarah ke ujub, sum’ah ataupun riya’. Kerendahan diri menunjukkan ke
zuhud an hati manusia, merendahkan diri tidak berarti kita menghinakan diri
dihadapan orang lain. Dalam kerendahan diri terkandung sikap hormat baik itu
antara murid dan guru, yang muda dan yang tua yang berilmu dan tidak, dan
seterusnya. Sikap hormat yang tercermin dalam kerendahan itu adalah refleksi
dari Iman, refleksi dari ketidakbergantungannya kita kepada makhluk karena kita
sudah memiliki Allah swt sebagai tempat bergantung. Bayangkan bilamana semua kita saling
merendahkan diri, guru merendahkan diri saat berhadapan dengan murid, begitu
juga sang murid, yang tua merendahkan diri saat bertemu yang muda, begitu juga
yang muda, tentunya yang namanya “nafs” akan bingung untuk darimana mulai menggoda.
Suatu hari
nanti kau akan mengalami bahwa saat guru/orang berilmu menerangkan sesuatu kita
harus diam, saat orang bicara kita harus mendengar, saat orang menegur kita
harus menjawab, saat bertemu orang kita mengucap salam dan menjawab salam, begitu
Suatu hari
nanti kau akan mengerti bahwa dalam Islam itu adab sangatlah diutamakan, ada
adab bertamu dan menerima tamu, ada adab bertetangga, ada adab bersaudara, ada
adab anak dan orang tua, ada adab ke kamar mandi, ada adab makan, dst…dst.
Indah betul Islam ini nak.
Dalam literatur Islam
tuntunan Adab ini dapat ditemukan baik dalam Al Quran, Hadits maupun Hadits
Qudsi, biasanya dimulai dengan kata-kata “Belum beriman seseorang yang ……..”,
tuntunan adab juga dapat ditemukan dalam literatur tentang Adab yang di tulis
oleh para Masyaikh, baik itu ahli hakikat maupun ahli syariat. Selain itu
pelajaran Adab dapat ditemukan dalam pengajian2 baik hakikat maupun syariat
yang ditandai dengan mempelajari natija (gerak laku) para Masyaikh yang
2. Yang Kedua, Adab mencerminkan
Iman seseorang. Allah swt lebih dulu menanamkan Iman ke dalam diri kita
masing2, kemudian Iman ini mengekspresikan diri terhadap lingkungannya dalam
bentuk Adab, lalu Adab ini membuat manusia sangat gampang mencerna ilmu
(Sayyiidina Ali ra. berkata ; “Adab mendahului Ilmu”). Ilmu yang didasari
keikhlasan dan ridho Ilahi akan menghasilkan Amal (tentunya Amal Sholeh),
kemudian Allah swt akan menambahkan Iman pada diri kita sebagai ganjaran atas
ilmu yang diamalkan. Begitulah seterusnya bertambah keimanan seseorang.
Demikian anakku, semoga engkau dapat mengerti dan
memahami, kalau tidak kini mungkin nanti.
Allahu'alam bissawab
To My Son.
My son ... Aby wants to tell you about Adab
What is Adab ... ???
Adab is an expression of human attitude or action, both oral, written and movements related to other humans, both in the form of anticipation and response that we believe is justified by Islamic law, based on the hadith or the teachings of the masses and which Allah would love.
What are the characteristics of that adab ... ??
1. The first is to humble yourself, this is the basis of adab so that we avoid heart movements that lead to ujub, sum'ah or riya '. Humility shows to zuhud an human heart, humbling oneself does not mean we humiliate ourselves in front of other people. In humility there is respect both between students and teachers, young and old who have knowledge and no, and so on. Respect that is reflected in humility is a reflection of Faith, a reflection of our dependence on beings because we already have God as a place of dependence. Imagine when all of us humble one another, the teacher humbles himself when dealing with students, as well as the student, the old ones humble themselves when meeting the young, as well as the young, of course the name "nafs" will be confused for where to start teasing.
One day you will experience that when the teacher / knowledge person explains something we have to be quiet, when people talk we have to listen, when people rebuke we have to answer, when meeting people we say hello and answer greetings, and so on.
One day you will understand that in Islam "adab" is a very high priority, there is adab of visit and reception, there is adab of neighborhood, there are adab of brothers and sisters, there are adab of children and parents, there are adab to the bathroom, there are adab for eating, etc. ... etc. How beautiful is Islam, boy.
In the Islamic literature this Adab guidance can be found both in the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Hadith of Qudsi, usually starting with the words "Not believing someone who ... ...", the guidance of adab can also be found in the literature on Adab written by the Masyaikh , both the Hakikat expert and the Shari'ah expert. In addition, Adab lessons can be found in the recitations of both the Hakikat and the Shari'a which are marked by studying the natija (behavior) of the previous Masyaikh.
2. Second, Adab reflects human's Iman/faith. Allah Almighty first instilled Faith in each of us, then this Faith expresses itself towards its environment in the form of Adab, then this Adab makes people very easy to digest science (Sayyiidina Ali ra said: "Adab precedes Science"). Science based on sincerity and divine blessing will produce Amal (of course Amal Sholeh), then Allah will add Faith to us as a reward for the knowledge practiced. Such is the progress of faith added
So my son, I hope you can understand, if not now maybe later.
Allahu'alam bissawab
Barakallahu liwalakum
My son ... Aby wants to tell you about Adab
What is Adab ... ???
Adab is an expression of human attitude or action, both oral, written and movements related to other humans, both in the form of anticipation and response that we believe is justified by Islamic law, based on the hadith or the teachings of the masses and which Allah would love.
What are the characteristics of that adab ... ??
1. The first is to humble yourself, this is the basis of adab so that we avoid heart movements that lead to ujub, sum'ah or riya '. Humility shows to zuhud an human heart, humbling oneself does not mean we humiliate ourselves in front of other people. In humility there is respect both between students and teachers, young and old who have knowledge and no, and so on. Respect that is reflected in humility is a reflection of Faith, a reflection of our dependence on beings because we already have God as a place of dependence. Imagine when all of us humble one another, the teacher humbles himself when dealing with students, as well as the student, the old ones humble themselves when meeting the young, as well as the young, of course the name "nafs" will be confused for where to start teasing.
One day you will experience that when the teacher / knowledge person explains something we have to be quiet, when people talk we have to listen, when people rebuke we have to answer, when meeting people we say hello and answer greetings, and so on.
One day you will understand that in Islam "adab" is a very high priority, there is adab of visit and reception, there is adab of neighborhood, there are adab of brothers and sisters, there are adab of children and parents, there are adab to the bathroom, there are adab for eating, etc. ... etc. How beautiful is Islam, boy.
In the Islamic literature this Adab guidance can be found both in the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Hadith of Qudsi, usually starting with the words "Not believing someone who ... ...", the guidance of adab can also be found in the literature on Adab written by the Masyaikh , both the Hakikat expert and the Shari'ah expert. In addition, Adab lessons can be found in the recitations of both the Hakikat and the Shari'a which are marked by studying the natija (behavior) of the previous Masyaikh.
2. Second, Adab reflects human's Iman/faith. Allah Almighty first instilled Faith in each of us, then this Faith expresses itself towards its environment in the form of Adab, then this Adab makes people very easy to digest science (Sayyiidina Ali ra said: "Adab precedes Science"). Science based on sincerity and divine blessing will produce Amal (of course Amal Sholeh), then Allah will add Faith to us as a reward for the knowledge practiced. Such is the progress of faith added
So my son, I hope you can understand, if not now maybe later.
Allahu'alam bissawab
Barakallahu liwalakum
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