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Sholat dan Mobil
Long-time no see, semoga kita semua
selalu dalam lindungan dan curahan kasih sayang Allah Ta’ala, aamiinn…
Beberapa hari ini
terlintas kembali fikiran tentang betapa pentingnya sholat, terutama bila
mengingat bahwa sholat adalah hal pertama yang ditimbang saat Yaumil Hisab
nanti. Fikiran ini selalu muncul terutama bila mengingat Hadist Rasulullah saw
yang berbunyi ;
فَإِنْ صَلُحَتْ صَلُحَ سَائِرُ عَمَلِهِ، وَإِنْ فَسَدَتْ فَسَدَ
سَائِرُ عَمَلِهِ
Bila shalatnya baik maka baik pula seluruh amalnya, sebaliknya jika
shalatnya rusak maka rusak pula seluruh amalnya.” (HR. Ath-Thabarani dalam
Al-Ausath, dishahihkan Asy-Syaikh Al-Albani rahimahullahu dalam Ash-Shahihah
no. 1358 karena banyak jalannya)
Beberapa tulisan
pernah terlontar tentang ini, baik di blog ini maupun dalam bentuk pesan
pribadi (private message) ke sahabat, teman atau keluarga. Namun belakangan ini
sebuah analogy muncul dikepala, dicoba untuk direnungkan dan dibayangkan hasilnya
bila diungkap, karena rasa rendah diri dan rendah ilmu itu selalu saja ada bila
ingin berbagi nasihat, namun terlalu kuat desakan untuk mengungkapnya, hingga
marilah kita nikmati bersama.
Setelah berbicara dengan banyak orang, termasuk
teman, sahabat, keluarga dan lainnya, sebuah hipotesa unik muncul tentang
sholat, bahwa hampir sebagian besar kita dan pasti termasuk saya sendiri selama
ini mengerjakan sholat seperti mengendarai mobil. Kenapa demikian?.
Banyak diantara kita
bisa mengendarai mobil, ada yang belajarnya dengan mobil orang tua, mobil teman
atau belajar lewat kursus mengendarai mobil. Setelah bisa mengendarai dan
lingkungan memvalidasi kemampuan kita membawa mobil, maka jadilah kita seorang
yang bisa mengendarai mobil.
Pada titik ini, kita terbagi dengan :
1. Mempunyai SIM (Surat Izin Mengemudi)
2. Tidak mempunyai SIM
Anggap saja kita
sudah memiliki SIM dan sudah puluhan tahun mengendarai mobil, lalu coba kita
bayangkan apakah selama ini kita sudah mengendarai mobil dengan BENAR? Mari
kita coba perhatikan orang yang mengendarai mobil saat ini, boleh juga kita
perhatikan cara kita sendiri mengendarai mobil, apakah sudah benar? Apakah
sudah mengikuti ATURAN dan ETIKA dijalan raya? Ternyata untuk menjadi BENAR
harus ada ATURAN yang dipatuhi (rukun) dan ETIKA yang juga sebaiknya dipakai (adab).
Kita ambil contoh
sebagai berikut :
1. Bahwa aturan bila di pertigaan,
semua kendaraan harus STOP terlebih dahulu, memastikan bahwa tidak ada
kendaraan lain melintas dari kiri atau kanan, barulah boleh berbelok. Mungkin
kita sering lihat bagaimana kendaraan berbelok tanpa melihat kiri kanan, yang
seringkali membuat kita melakukan REM mendadak.
lampu jalan harus ditaati, tidak perduli dalam keadaan kosong (tidak ada
kendaraan) sekalipun. Sering kita lihat saat lampu menyala merah dan melihat
tidak ada kendaraan lain, kendaraan yang seharusnya berhenti melenggang begitu
3. Bagaimana dengan yellow disjunction
box di perempatan, bagaimana bila lampu menyala hijau tapi didepan kita macet,
apakah pantas kita membunyikan klakson saat terjadi kemacetan, apa yang
dilakukan bila kita ingin mendahului kendaraan didepan, bagaimana aturan
berhenti dipinggir jalan, dan seterusnya dan seterusnya.
Contoh-contoh diatas
sempat membuat saya merenung, bahwa ternyata untuk mengendarai mobil ternyata
tidak cukup dengan bisa mengendarai saja, tetapi harus dapat mengendarai dengan
Lalu apa hubungannya
dengan sholat!!, disinilah sebuah analogy terbentuk, sebuah kesadaran diri
tertumpah dan menyatakan bahwa betapa selama ini telah lalai akan sholat yang
BENAR, betapa selama ini hanya sampai sebatas BISA saja, …astaghfirullah…tsumma
Kekhawatiran akan
sholat yang benar ini akhirnya mengajak diri untuk menelisik tentang
bagaimanakah sholat yang benar, lalu dicobalah dengan segala keterbatasan yang
ada (terutama ilmu) untuk membedahnya, semoga Allah ridho..aamiinn
1. Wudhu
Hukum wudhu dilansir dalam QS Al-Maidah ayat 6,
dimulai dengan membasuh muka terus sampai membasuh kaki tanpa membasuh telinga.
Disini kita dapat rujukan bahwa membasuh, telapak tangan, hidung dan telinga
adalah Sunnah. Kemudian ayat tersebut mengajarkan cara tayammum cukup dengan
membasuh muka dan tangan. Karena ayat inilah maka bagi yang mengamalkan Manhaj
Imam Syafei ra, niat wudhu harus dilakukan saat membasuh muka, Fiqh Syafei
menyebutkan bahwa niat wudhu yang dilakukan sebelum atau setelah membasuh muka
hukumnya tidak sah, sehingga wudhunya pun tidak sah!.
Apakah wudhu kita sudah benar? Ingat sah
tidaknya wudhu menyangkut sah tidaknya sholat.
Saya tidak
akan mengangkat soal rukun sholat yang 13, karena pasti semua sudah paham, selanjutnya
adalah Qalbu sebagimana Hadits Rasulullah saw;
إِنَّ اللهَ لاَ يَنْظُرُ
إِلَى( أَجْسَادِكُمْ وَ لاَ إِلَى ) صُوَرِكُمْ وَ أَمْوَالِكُمْ وَ لَكِنْ (إِنَّمَا)
يَنْظُرُ إِلَى قُلُوْبِكُمْ ( وَأَشَارَ بِأَصَابِعِهِ إِلَى صَدْرِهِ) وَ أَعْمَالِكُمْ
Allah tidak melihat kepada tubuh kalian dan tidak juga kepada rupa dan harta
kalian. Akan tetapi sesunguhnya Dia hanyalah melihat kepada hati kalian (Nabi
Shalalllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam mengisyaratkan ke dadanya) dan dia melihat pula
kepada amal kalian”.
Ini masalah adab
dalam sholat, apakah hati kita juga sholat? Ada banyak cara untuk melakukan ini
silahkan cari guru atau ustadz agar dapat belajar sholat dengan hati.
Termasuk rukun sholat yang
berupa lafaz dan didawamkan, ternyata tidak banyak yang tahu bahwa ada 14
sabdu/tasydid dalam Al-Fatehah yang tidak boleh tertinggal karena menyangkut
sah dan tidaknya Al-Fatehah (dari Imam Nawawi Al Bantani, atau silahkan tanya
Mbah Google ternyata banyak sumber lain juga).
Apakah Al-Fatehah kita sudah
4. Tuma’nina
Termasuk Rukun sholat, dalam
artian sesungguhnya adalah berhenti sebentar, artian luasnya berhenti sebentar
dan tetap dalam urutannya/tartill.
Sepertinya ini juga termasuk
yang sering kita abaikan, para masyaikh mengajarkan bahwa tuma’nina dilakukan
untuk mengambil nafas (inhale) dan saat melafazkan takbir untuk gerakan
berikutnya kita melepaskan nafas (exhale) sambil bertakbir.
Apakah kita sudah benar?
5. Doa
khusus dalam sholat.
Banyak yang ragu antara boleh
dan tidak, Rasulullah saw menyatakan untuk perbanyaklah mengagungkan Allah saat
ruku’ dan perbanyaklah do’a saat sujud dan dalam beberapa hadits Rasulullah saw
juga berdoa saat tasyahud akhir.
Kalau ini pasti sudah benar
6. Tasyahud
Banyak versi padahal ini adalah
rukun, tasyahud awal dimulai dengan Attahiyattu….. diakhiri dengan shalawat
nabi, masalahnya adalah dimana berhentinya lafaz shalawat, sebagian berkata
bahwa shalawat hanya “Allahuma shalli ala Sayyidina Muhammad” dan sebagian
melanjutkan dengan “wa ala alii Sayyidina Muhammad” dengan dasar hadits “termasuk
orang bakhil bagi yang bersalawat kepadaku tanpa bersalawat pada keluargaku”
Inipun pasti sudah benar semua, karena
semua pilihan benar, termasuk bagi yang memakai Sayyidina atau yang tidak.
Demikian mungkin masih banyak lagi yang lain. Kenapa saya selalu
khawatir tentang sholat?, karena cerminan akhlak kita adalah sholat, yang
menjaga kita dari maksiat juga sholat (Al-Ankabut 45), mungkin lebih jelas pada
tulisan tentang sholat sebelumnya. Tulisan ini merupakan tulisan ketiga tentang
Sholat yang mengajak kita semua untuk tidak sekedar BISA sholat.
Tulisan ini dimaksudkan bagi diri saya sendiri dan juga bagi yang
membaca, mari kita sama-sama memperbaiki diri kita, saling memberi tahu dan
mengingatkan dalam kebaikan, karena saya juga masih terus belajar dan berupaya untuk menjadi manusia
yang lebih baik
Allahu’alam bissawab
Barakallahu li walakum
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim…
Prayers and Cars
Long-time no see, may we all be in the protection and outpouring of the love of Allah Ta'ala, aamiinn ...
These days a thought comes back to how important prayer is, especially when remembering that prayer is the first thing to be weighed when Yaumil Hisab later. This thought always arises especially when considering the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah that reads;
فَإِنْ صَلُحَتْ صَلُحَ سَائِرُ عَمَلِهِ ، وَإِنْ فَسَدَتْ فَسَدَ سَائِرُ عَمَلِهِ
If the prayer is good, then all the charity is good, on the contrary if the prayer is broken then the whole deed will be damaged. "(Narrated by Ath-Thabarani in Al-Ausath, dishahihkan Asy-Syaikh Al-Albani rahimahullahu in Ash-Shahihah no. 1358 because there are many ways)
Some writings have been thrown about this, both on this blog and in the form of private messages to friends, friends or family. But lately an analogy has appeared in the head, trying to reflect on and imagine the results when revealed, because of the inferiority complex and the low level of knowledge that is always there if you want to share advice, but too much pressure to reveal it, so let's enjoy together.
After talking to many people, including friends, closed friends, family and others, a unique hypothesis emerged about prayer, that most of us and certainly including myself have been doing prayer like driving a car. Why is that?
Many of us can drive cars, there are those who study with their parents 'cars, friends' cars or practice through a driving course. After being able to drive and the environment validates our ability to drive a car, then we can be someone who can drive a car. At this point, we are divided by:
1. Having a driver's license (driver's license)
2. Don't have driver's license
Let's just say we already have a driver's license and have been driving a car for decades, then let's imagine whether we have been driving a car TRUE so far? Let's try to look at people who drive cars now, maybe we also pay attention to how we ourselves drive a car, is that correct? Have you followed the RULES and ETHICS on the highway? It turns out that to be TRUE, there must be RULES that are obeyed (pillars) and ETHICS which should also be used (adab).
We take the example as follows:
1. That the rules if at a junction, all vehicles must STOP first, ensuring that no other vehicle passes from the left or right, then can turn. Maybe we often see how the vehicle turns without looking left and right, which often makes us do sudden push the brake.
2. That traffic lights must be adhered to, no matter how empty they are (no vehicles). We often see when the lights turn red and see no other vehicle, a vehicle that should have stopped swinging just like that.
3. What about the yellow dis-junction box at the intersection, what if the light is green but in front of us is jammed, is it appropriate for us to sound the horn when a traffic jam occurs, what is done if we want to overtake the vehicle ahead, how the rules stop on the road, and so on and so on.
The above examples had made me think, that it turns out that driving a car is not enough to be able to drive, but must be able to drive properly.
Then what is the connection with prayer!!, this is where an analogy is formed, a self-awareness is spilled and states that from time to time it has been negligent about prayers that are TRUE, from time to time it has only been limited to CAN, ... astaghfirullah ... tsumma astaghfirullah.
Concern about the correct prayer finally invites me to explore about how to pray properly, then try with all the my limitations that exist (especially science) to dissect it, may Allah be pleased with it.
1. Ablution
The law of ablution is reported in QS Al-Maidah verse 6, starting with washing your face and washing your feet without washing your ears. Here we can get a reference that washing, palms, nose and ears is Sunnah. Then the verse teaches how tayammum is enough to wash face and hands. Because of this verse, for those who practice the Imam Syafei ra, ablution intentions must be done when washing face, Fiqh Syafei states that the intention of ablution which is performed before or after washing the face of the law is invalid, so that the ablution is invalid !.
Is our ablution correct? Remember whether or not the ablution is valid for the validity of prayer.
2. Heart
I will not raise the question of the 13 pillars of prayer, because surely all have understood, then is Heart as the Hadith of the Prophet;
إن الله لا ينظر إلى (أجسادكم و لا إلى) صوركم و أموالكم و لكن (إنما) ينظر إلى قلوبكم (وأشار بأصابعه إلى صدره) و أعمالكم
"Surely Allah does not look at your body and not your appearance or property. But actually He is just looking at your heart (Prophet Shalalllahu aih alaihi wa sallam hints to his chest) and he also sees your charity ".
This is a matter of adab in prayer, is our heart also praying? There are many ways to do this, please find a teacher or cleric to learn to pray with your heart.
3. Al-Fatehah
Including pillars of prayer in the form of lafaz and was sounded, apparently not many knew that there were 14 sabdu / tasydid in Al-Fatehah which should not be left behind because it involved the legitimacy of Al-Fatehah (from Imam Nawawi Al Bantani, or please ask Prof. Google it turned out that there other sources too).
Is our Al-Fatehah right?
4. Tuma'nina
Including pillars of prayer, in the real sense is to stop for a while, the meaning of the area pauses and stays in the order / tartill.
It seems that this also includes what we often ignore, the shaykhs teach that tuma'nina is done to take breath (inhale) and when reciting takbir for the next movement we release the breath (exhale) while takbir. Are we right?
5. Special pray in sholat.
Many who doubt between may and not, the Messenger of Allah said to multiply glorify Allah when bowing 'and multiply pray during prostration and in some hadith the Prophet also prayed at the end of the tasyahud.
I am sure for this must be all true.
6. Early Tasyahud
There are many versions even though this is pillars of prayer, the initial tasyahud begins with Attahiyattu ... .. ends with the shalawat of the Prophet, the problem is where the cessation of lafaz shalawat, some say that prayer is only "Allahuma shalli ala Sayyidina Muhammad" and some continue with "wa ala alii Sayyidina Muhammad" with the basis of the hadith "including the hunks for those who take care of me without giving care to my family"
Even this must be true, because all choices are correct, including those who use Sayyidina or not.
Likewise there may be many others. Why do I always worry about prayer ?, because our reflection of morality is prayer, which keeps us from immorality as well as prayer (Al-Ankabut 45), perhaps more clearly in writing about previous prayers. This article is the third article about the Prayer that drives us all to not just CAN pray.
This article is intended for myself and also for those who read, let's improve ourselves, tell each other and remind each other in kindness, because I also continue to study and strive to become better human beings
Allahu'alam bissawab
Barakallahu li walakum
Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim…
Prayers and Cars
Long-time no see, may we all be in the protection and outpouring of the love of Allah Ta'ala, aamiinn ...
These days a thought comes back to how important prayer is, especially when remembering that prayer is the first thing to be weighed when Yaumil Hisab later. This thought always arises especially when considering the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah that reads;
فَإِنْ صَلُحَتْ صَلُحَ سَائِرُ عَمَلِهِ ، وَإِنْ فَسَدَتْ فَسَدَ سَائِرُ عَمَلِهِ
If the prayer is good, then all the charity is good, on the contrary if the prayer is broken then the whole deed will be damaged. "(Narrated by Ath-Thabarani in Al-Ausath, dishahihkan Asy-Syaikh Al-Albani rahimahullahu in Ash-Shahihah no. 1358 because there are many ways)
Some writings have been thrown about this, both on this blog and in the form of private messages to friends, friends or family. But lately an analogy has appeared in the head, trying to reflect on and imagine the results when revealed, because of the inferiority complex and the low level of knowledge that is always there if you want to share advice, but too much pressure to reveal it, so let's enjoy together.
After talking to many people, including friends, closed friends, family and others, a unique hypothesis emerged about prayer, that most of us and certainly including myself have been doing prayer like driving a car. Why is that?
Many of us can drive cars, there are those who study with their parents 'cars, friends' cars or practice through a driving course. After being able to drive and the environment validates our ability to drive a car, then we can be someone who can drive a car. At this point, we are divided by:
1. Having a driver's license (driver's license)
2. Don't have driver's license
Let's just say we already have a driver's license and have been driving a car for decades, then let's imagine whether we have been driving a car TRUE so far? Let's try to look at people who drive cars now, maybe we also pay attention to how we ourselves drive a car, is that correct? Have you followed the RULES and ETHICS on the highway? It turns out that to be TRUE, there must be RULES that are obeyed (pillars) and ETHICS which should also be used (adab).
We take the example as follows:
1. That the rules if at a junction, all vehicles must STOP first, ensuring that no other vehicle passes from the left or right, then can turn. Maybe we often see how the vehicle turns without looking left and right, which often makes us do sudden push the brake.
2. That traffic lights must be adhered to, no matter how empty they are (no vehicles). We often see when the lights turn red and see no other vehicle, a vehicle that should have stopped swinging just like that.
3. What about the yellow dis-junction box at the intersection, what if the light is green but in front of us is jammed, is it appropriate for us to sound the horn when a traffic jam occurs, what is done if we want to overtake the vehicle ahead, how the rules stop on the road, and so on and so on.
The above examples had made me think, that it turns out that driving a car is not enough to be able to drive, but must be able to drive properly.
Then what is the connection with prayer!!, this is where an analogy is formed, a self-awareness is spilled and states that from time to time it has been negligent about prayers that are TRUE, from time to time it has only been limited to CAN, ... astaghfirullah ... tsumma astaghfirullah.
Concern about the correct prayer finally invites me to explore about how to pray properly, then try with all the my limitations that exist (especially science) to dissect it, may Allah be pleased with it.
1. Ablution
The law of ablution is reported in QS Al-Maidah verse 6, starting with washing your face and washing your feet without washing your ears. Here we can get a reference that washing, palms, nose and ears is Sunnah. Then the verse teaches how tayammum is enough to wash face and hands. Because of this verse, for those who practice the Imam Syafei ra, ablution intentions must be done when washing face, Fiqh Syafei states that the intention of ablution which is performed before or after washing the face of the law is invalid, so that the ablution is invalid !.
Is our ablution correct? Remember whether or not the ablution is valid for the validity of prayer.
2. Heart
I will not raise the question of the 13 pillars of prayer, because surely all have understood, then is Heart as the Hadith of the Prophet;
إن الله لا ينظر إلى (أجسادكم و لا إلى) صوركم و أموالكم و لكن (إنما) ينظر إلى قلوبكم (وأشار بأصابعه إلى صدره) و أعمالكم
"Surely Allah does not look at your body and not your appearance or property. But actually He is just looking at your heart (Prophet Shalalllahu aih alaihi wa sallam hints to his chest) and he also sees your charity ".
This is a matter of adab in prayer, is our heart also praying? There are many ways to do this, please find a teacher or cleric to learn to pray with your heart.
3. Al-Fatehah
Including pillars of prayer in the form of lafaz and was sounded, apparently not many knew that there were 14 sabdu / tasydid in Al-Fatehah which should not be left behind because it involved the legitimacy of Al-Fatehah (from Imam Nawawi Al Bantani, or please ask Prof. Google it turned out that there other sources too).
Is our Al-Fatehah right?
4. Tuma'nina
Including pillars of prayer, in the real sense is to stop for a while, the meaning of the area pauses and stays in the order / tartill.
It seems that this also includes what we often ignore, the shaykhs teach that tuma'nina is done to take breath (inhale) and when reciting takbir for the next movement we release the breath (exhale) while takbir. Are we right?
5. Special pray in sholat.
Many who doubt between may and not, the Messenger of Allah said to multiply glorify Allah when bowing 'and multiply pray during prostration and in some hadith the Prophet also prayed at the end of the tasyahud.
I am sure for this must be all true.
6. Early Tasyahud
There are many versions even though this is pillars of prayer, the initial tasyahud begins with Attahiyattu ... .. ends with the shalawat of the Prophet, the problem is where the cessation of lafaz shalawat, some say that prayer is only "Allahuma shalli ala Sayyidina Muhammad" and some continue with "wa ala alii Sayyidina Muhammad" with the basis of the hadith "including the hunks for those who take care of me without giving care to my family"
Even this must be true, because all choices are correct, including those who use Sayyidina or not.
Likewise there may be many others. Why do I always worry about prayer ?, because our reflection of morality is prayer, which keeps us from immorality as well as prayer (Al-Ankabut 45), perhaps more clearly in writing about previous prayers. This article is the third article about the Prayer that drives us all to not just CAN pray.
This article is intended for myself and also for those who read, let's improve ourselves, tell each other and remind each other in kindness, because I also continue to study and strive to become better human beings
Allahu'alam bissawab
Barakallahu li walakum
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